Wooden furniture

Styles of wooden furniture
Human civilization is developing rapidly. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that over the past few decades, our life has changed beyond recognition. But there is something…

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Massive bar counters: solid and unusual.
The bar counter is a necessary part of the ensemble of a tastefully designed interior. Such a piece of furniture is useful not only in cafes and restaurants. It looks…

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Choose a set of furniture for the bathroom
Many have encountered such a problem: how to equip a bathroom. And at first glance it seems that it could be easier - I went to any specialized store and…

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History of furniture.

Furniture, as household items for sitting, lying and arranging things, has always accompanied human life. Already during the transition of primitive communities to sedentary tribes tried to equip their homes.
The first place among the materials used for the manufacture of furniture belonged to wood. Because wood is a sufficiently durable material that can be easily processed and finished. Initially, those pieces of material that were closest to the desired shape were selected for furniture.
Time passed, the way of life changed, artistic styles developed, and with it new types and styles of furniture, its new designs were born. National traditions of life and art as a whole significantly influenced the decorative and compositional characteristics of furniture. Continue reading

Briefly about the stairs

The staircase today is not only the connecting link between the two levels of the room, but also the decoration of the interior. And the overall success of the creative process, whether it is redevelopment of an apartment, construction of a new one or reconstruction of an old country house, depends on how competently we approach the issue of choosing a staircase.
What calculations need to be done before designing the stairs, how to choose a place, type and material from which it will be made … You will learn about this and much more from our article

What should be the staircase? First of all – comfortable. Continue reading

Table history

Ordinary table: a rectangular board on four legs from time immemorial served the person.
The simplest were the feasting tables – roughly knocked together boards set up on goats. Both princes and their squads and ordinary people feasted at such tables. I must say that in our time for large village weddings, which are celebrated in the courtyard in the summer and early autumn, they make the same banquet tables.

2 In miniatures of the Old Russian annals, Nestor, the chronicler, is depicted at the table for “knee writing.” These desks were not high, and their upper board was at the level of the writing knee. In addition, they were equipped with music stands. The parchment on which they wrote lay on its knees, and on the table itself there was everything necessary: ​​inkwells, feathers, rulers, knives for cutting sheets and sharpening feathers.
Then tables appeared that looked like a chest: with low legs, with a lifting tabletop, under which there were many compartments and small drawers. Continue reading

Chair history

Such a usual piece of furniture for us as a chair was once not accessible to everyone. In Russia, until the time of Peter’s reforms, everyone, including those close to the royal person, sat on a bench. The chair served as a throne, even the king sat on it only in “special” cases. Moreover, they carried a chair with them: after all, the presence or absence of a chair clearly demonstrated who is who.

The inventors of the chair – the seat with the back – consider the ancient Egyptians. Before them, one could only sit on a bench or on a stool. It is difficult to imagine a royal lady sitting on a simple stool. But what if the chair has not yet been invented? For the thrones of their rulers, ancient Egyptian joiners invented armrests. At first it even seemed strange – backs, elbow holders. But the throne turned out to be so convenient that since then no sovereign ruler has refused it. Continue reading

About the correct arrangement of furniture and necessary equipment in the kitchen.

From the layout and arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, from the saturation of the kitchen equipment depends on how your life will flow in the apartment or house. Although there are exceptions.

It happens that small but very cozy kitchens become a place of attraction for households and guests. And it happens that huge “food temples” full of expensive appliances stand idle – after all, their owners have the habit of having breakfast, lunch and dinner in restaurants …

From the kitchen, as well as from food, you should not make a cult – the functionality of the room should be in harmony with the design decision and meet your real needs. Continue reading

History of furniture.
Furniture, as household items for sitting, lying and arranging things, has always accompanied human life. Already during the transition of primitive communities to sedentary tribes tried to equip their homes.…


About the correct arrangement of furniture and necessary equipment in the kitchen.
From the layout and arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, from the saturation of the kitchen equipment depends on how your life will flow in the apartment or house. Although…


About wooden furniture and its properties.
Wood has been the only material for furniture for many centuries. Despite technological progress, people continue to make furniture from natural wood. Moreover, thanks to the centuries-old experience of using…
