Massive bar counters: solid and unusual.
The bar counter is a necessary part of the ensemble of a tastefully designed interior. Such a piece of furniture is useful not only in cafes and restaurants. It looks…

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Furniture design development is one of the most important areas of the Furniture Paradise company. The company's specialists approach this process with maximum responsibility. To make wooden furniture stylish, comfortable…

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Using a windowsill in the kitchen
For the windowsill in the kitchen, designers often find interesting, innovative solutions. Consumers, wanting to get away from the ordinary and trivial, are happy to use new interior ideas. Even…

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Paint for wooden furniture – the most inexpensive way to update an old suite

Many of us have old furniture that is a pity to throw away. And someone buys unpainted wood products, for example, in Ikea, because they are cheaper. And here the question becomes very relevant, how to give them a decent look, while protecting the surface from various damage?

Types of paints for finishing wooden furniture
It is probably easier to list compounds that are completely unsuitable for painting wood and furniture from it. If we talk about the peculiarities of the appearance of the coating and its properties, then all paints and varnishes used for painting furniture can be divided into three groups: transparent varnishes and impregnations, water-soluble dispersion paints and enamels. Continue reading

Bed materials: is it all wood that looks like it?

Wooden beds are loved by many for their attractive appearance, naturalness, durability and the ability to create a truly comfortable, homely atmosphere. However, is all the furniture that looks like wood really is and possesses the indicated properties? No, not all, because due to the high cost, few decide to purchase furniture from solid wood, but turn to more affordable, thereby more attractive substitutes like chipboard and MDF.

In this article we will try to figure out what modern beds can be made of and what qualities they will possess.
Solid wood beds
Let’s start with solid wood furniture. During its production, high-quality, well-dried wood without knots and cracks is taken, it can be either whole boards or composite boards from separate pieces connected by glue (glued board), which are then ground and varnished. Continue reading

The advantages of solid wood beds, why they are so popular

An array of wood is wood that has undergone special processing, turning into timber and planks. The array is divided into 2 varieties:

solid – furniture items are made from a single piece of wood;
glued – for the manufacture of this type pieces of wood of excellent quality are used, but having very small errors (knots, chips). The wood is divided into lamellas with the removal of places with defects, and then glued together.
The color of the wood can be white, gray, light brown, reddish, chocolate, dark and almost black. Technologies allow you to change the colors of natural wood. Wooden models are made in various styles (loft, modern), antique wood beds look especially good.

Natural material beds have many undeniable advantages: Continue reading

About wooden furniture and its properties.
Wood has been the only material for furniture for many centuries. Despite technological progress, people continue to make furniture from natural wood. Moreover, thanks to the centuries-old experience of using…


Bed materials: is it all wood that looks like it?
Wooden beds are loved by many for their attractive appearance, naturalness, durability and the ability to create a truly comfortable, homely atmosphere. However, is all the furniture that looks like…


Storage of wooden furniture
Planning a repair or relocation? To save furniture and appliances from accidental damage, pollution and other negative influences, we recommend renting a special box for temporary storage. The closest attention…
