Useful Tips
Two-component varnishes, or cold cured varnishes, as well as waterborne varnishes, have two big advantages over polyurethane varnishes: they dry faster and do not have time to become dusty; the…

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Provence style kitchen
Provence is a French “country”, a style of the southern region of France, which is associated with magnificent nature and delicious country food, bright sunshine and the fresh smell of…

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Solid wood furniture
To emphasize the natural beauty of solid wood furniture and protect it from the negative effects of the environment, various protective and decorative coatings (transparent and opaque) are used. Transparent…

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Solid chairs: comfort and practicality

Natural wood chairs combine high quality, operational durability and attractive appearance. Such furniture is chosen by connoisseurs of comfort, solid natural materials. Stylish and high-quality wooden chairs of classical and modern design are presented in the catalog of the Bagsan factory.

What are the features of solid chairs
Natural wood furniture is valued for its special aesthetics and natural energy. Wooden interior items are always relevant and organically fit into different style decisions, successfully combined with other materials: metal, stone, fabric, glass. Such furniture is always an indicator of good taste.

Due to the variety of types of design, you can choose chairs in a classic, vintage style, country, Provence, modern, antique. Continue reading

What to choose veneer or whole array for countertops

What to choose an array or veneer?
The question of choosing the material for the countertop of the kitchen table is not so simple as it seems. Most people, choosing a wooden table, do not think about the difference. They see a table in the store with a picture of the texture of wood, and think that it is a whole wooden table, but often it is not.

What is the catch when choosing?
The catch is the widespread use of veneers for facing furniture surfaces. Veneer is a thin section of wood, which is applied to the base using specialized equipment, giving the appearance of the texture of natural wood. Particleboard (chipboard) is often used as a base. Chipboard is a sheet material made by mixing sawdust and binder resins obtained by hot pressing. Unfortunately, many resins used in the manufacture of particleboard, emit a substance harmful to humans – formaldehyde. The combination of chipboard and veneer allows you to get a true imitation of wood for relatively little money. This furniture cannot be called environmentally friendly. Continue reading

Chair history

Such a usual piece of furniture for us as a chair was once not accessible to everyone. In Russia, until the time of Peter’s reforms, everyone, including those close to the royal person, sat on a bench. The chair served as a throne, even the king sat on it only in “special” cases. Moreover, they carried a chair with them: after all, the presence or absence of a chair clearly demonstrated who is who.

The inventors of the chair – the seat with the back – consider the ancient Egyptians. Before them, one could only sit on a bench or on a stool. It is difficult to imagine a royal lady sitting on a simple stool. But what if the chair has not yet been invented? For the thrones of their rulers, ancient Egyptian joiners invented armrests. At first it even seemed strange – backs, elbow holders. But the throne turned out to be so convenient that since then no sovereign ruler has refused it. Continue reading

Choose a set of furniture for the bathroom
Many have encountered such a problem: how to equip a bathroom. And at first glance it seems that it could be easier - I went to any specialized store and…


Home-made furniture for home and garden
Not so long ago, home-made furniture was in almost every home. With the disappearance of the deficit, interest in the products of craftsmen-furniture makers fell significantly, but in recent years…


Characteristics of some types of wood
Solid wood furniture is quite expensive. It is easy for a layman to confuse a chipboard with an array. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to look…
