Benefit, Strength, Beauty
Even in the first century BC, the ancient Roman architect Virtuvius formulated these simple rules, expressed in just three words - benefit, strength, beauty. It is these three concepts that…

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Wicker Furniture Tips
To begin with, we note that not all furniture that looks like wicker is a natural rattan or vine. In Europe, for example, luxury furniture for the garden is made…

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Parquet work
Sex is one of the most exploited elements of our apartments. It is not surprising that, due to these circumstances, he can very quickly lose his attractive appearance, dilapidate, and…

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possible dimensions

Features and Benefits of DIY Wooden Furniture

Wood is an excellent material for the design and creation of exclusive furniture, vibrant and incredibly comfortable, attractive and solid, ergonomic and practical. And even the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, as well as the appearance on the market of new technologies and innovative materials, have not made a natural tree of valuable species less popular and in demand among admirers of natural beauty and style.

Making home furnishings from wood. Benefits
The advantages of furniture made of natural wood can hardly be overestimated: the point here is not only the aesthetic component, but also the high performance, thanks to which wood has long been used for construction purposes and for the manufacture of unique interior items.

The main advantages include:

Environmental friendliness. The tree at the time of use does not emit harmful substances and toxic substances to the air Continue reading

Solid chairs: comfort and practicality

Natural wood chairs combine high quality, operational durability and attractive appearance. Such furniture is chosen by connoisseurs of comfort, solid natural materials. Stylish and high-quality wooden chairs of classical and modern design are presented in the catalog of the Bagsan factory.

What are the features of solid chairs
Natural wood furniture is valued for its special aesthetics and natural energy. Wooden interior items are always relevant and organically fit into different style decisions, successfully combined with other materials: metal, stone, fabric, glass. Such furniture is always an indicator of good taste.

Due to the variety of types of design, you can choose chairs in a classic, vintage style, country, Provence, modern, antique. Continue reading

Styles of wooden furniture

Human civilization is developing rapidly. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that over the past few decades, our life has changed beyond recognition. But there is something that will be in demand and always appreciated. A tree is a resource, a full replacement of which is impossible to imagine. No artificial materials can compare with the properties of this great gift of nature. Furniture made of wood cannot go out of fashion. Its use is not a rollback to the past, but, on the contrary, a step into the future, where, of course, everything connected with the environment will be a priority.

Advantages of wooden furniture:
Natural and environmentally friendly material. Continue reading

Provence style kitchen
Provence is a French “country”, a style of the southern region of France, which is associated with magnificent nature and delicious country food, bright sunshine and the fresh smell of…


How to choose a kitchen set for a small kitchen
Basically, urban apartments are characterized by a kitchen with a small area. When you design such a kitchen, you need to solve many complex problems and sort out a lot…


WOODEN FURNITURE “Why do Europeans choose solid wood furniture?”
Solid wood furniture is a trend of the new era, but today it’s not just a fashion statement for everything natural, biologically pure. This is a new lifestyle. Following the…
