Wood furniture, solid wood furniture: twins or not even relatives?
Wooden furniture. How much has already been said, written about it ... And how do you understand the phrase "wooden furniture"? It is often necessary to notice that in a…

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The Psychology of Smooth Lines in Design
“The tyranny of the line has become absolute. A straight line is something cowardly, drawn along the line, without emotions and thoughts; it is a line that does not exist…

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Natural wood furniture care
Natural wood furniture is an elite interior item that gives the interior decoration a special touch and chic. Ecological purity of the material, its strength and durability - all this…

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What to choose veneer or whole array for countertops

What to choose an array or veneer?
The question of choosing the material for the countertop of the kitchen table is not so simple as it seems. Most people, choosing a wooden table, do not think about the difference. They see a table in the store with a picture of the texture of wood, and think that it is a whole wooden table, but often it is not.

What is the catch when choosing?
The catch is the widespread use of veneers for facing furniture surfaces. Veneer is a thin section of wood, which is applied to the base using specialized equipment, giving the appearance of the texture of natural wood. Particleboard (chipboard) is often used as a base. Chipboard is a sheet material made by mixing sawdust and binder resins obtained by hot pressing. Unfortunately, many resins used in the manufacture of particleboard, emit a substance harmful to humans – formaldehyde. The combination of chipboard and veneer allows you to get a true imitation of wood for relatively little money. This furniture cannot be called environmentally friendly. Continue reading

Repair of wooden windows and doors

Despite the fairly widespread use of plastic double-glazed windows, skirting boards, etc., wooden windows remain the most common solution, and they will be discussed.

Repair of wooden windows, doors. Troubleshooting
First, check if windows and doors open and close well.
All defects, if any, should be eliminated before painting, then this will be much more difficult.

A typical problem in houses of the old construction is the loosening of the door frame, and the subsidence of the door leaf. These defects are easily fixed. In order to fix the loose door frame, drill 2-3 holes on each side in the box and at the end of the wall, and hammer in wooden plugs in them. Continue reading

About the correct arrangement of furniture and necessary equipment in the kitchen.

From the layout and arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, from the saturation of the kitchen equipment depends on how your life will flow in the apartment or house. Although there are exceptions.

It happens that small but very cozy kitchens become a place of attraction for households and guests. And it happens that huge “food temples” full of expensive appliances stand idle – after all, their owners have the habit of having breakfast, lunch and dinner in restaurants …

From the kitchen, as well as from food, you should not make a cult – the functionality of the room should be in harmony with the design decision and meet your real needs. Continue reading

How to equip a student’s workplace?
An effective design decision is the last thing that should worry parents concerned about the problem of creating a children's “work room”. The main criterion for choosing all the details…


Furniture from pine: pros and cons of buying
There is no material that is better than natural. And of these, it is the tree that is of most interest to many. Furniture made of wood of any kind…


History of furniture.
Furniture, as household items for sitting, lying and arranging things, has always accompanied human life. Already during the transition of primitive communities to sedentary tribes tried to equip their homes.…
