About the correct arrangement of furniture and necessary equipment in the kitchen.
From the layout and arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, from the saturation of the kitchen equipment depends on how your life will flow in the apartment or house. Although there are exceptions.
It happens that small but very cozy kitchens become a place of attraction for households and guests. And it happens that huge “food temples” full of expensive appliances stand idle – after all, their owners have the habit of having breakfast, lunch and dinner in restaurants …
From the kitchen, as well as from food, you should not make a cult – the functionality of the room should be in harmony with the design decision and meet your real needs. Continue reading
Characteristics of some types of wood
Solid wood furniture is quite expensive. It is easy for a layman to confuse a chipboard with an array. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to look at the wooden details on the cut. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to the drawing of the tree: it is easy to find identical patterns on pressed plates, but a natural tree never repeats its lines.
You can relate to this as you like, but many centuries have been talking about the energy of trees and wooden furniture and their impact on humans. Three main types of trees are known by the type of their impact on humans:
– Trees – “vampires” – when contact reduces a person’s energy, aspen, poplar, chestnut, willow, spruce, bird cherry.
– Trees – “donors” – improve energy, give strength to oak, acacia, birch, maple, mountain ash.
– “Neutral” – everyone else. Continue reading
Wood furniture, solid wood furniture: twins or not even relatives?
Wooden furniture. How much has already been said, written about it … And how do you understand the phrase “wooden furniture”?
It is often necessary to notice that in a conversation users identify different concepts. For example, when discussing wood furniture, they mean solid wood products. But is all the wooden furniture “massive”? Let’s figure it out!
Something about materials
The association of wooden furniture with solid wood is not new. It would seem logical: the products are made from whole boards, maple, pine, birch, oak, beech, etc. In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated. Continue reading