Do it yourself furniture made of wood - is it so difficult?
The design of any room involves not only the selection of finishing materials for walls and floors, but also the arrangement of furniture. The latter determines in many ways how…

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Benefit, Strength, Beauty
Even in the first century BC, the ancient Roman architect Virtuvius formulated these simple rules, expressed in just three words - benefit, strength, beauty. It is these three concepts that…

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Despite the variety of modern production technologies, for each of us, the strength, environmental friendliness and aesthetics of things that fill our personal space are very important. For these reasons,…

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Wood furniture, solid wood furniture: twins or not even relatives?

Wooden furniture. How much has already been said, written about it … And how do you understand the phrase “wooden furniture”?

It is often necessary to notice that in a conversation users identify different concepts. For example, when discussing wood furniture, they mean solid wood products. But is all the wooden furniture “massive”? Let’s figure it out!

Something about materials

The association of wooden furniture with solid wood is not new. It would seem logical: the products are made from whole boards, maple, pine, birch, oak, beech, etc. In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated.

Initial lumber is of particular importance in the production, cost and operation of furniture. Functional and technical characteristics, consumer properties and aesthetic qualities of the product depend on its quality. Naturally, quality solid wood cannot be cheap. The fact remains: solid wood furniture is expensive. But it’s worth it! Sorry for the pun.

But not all wooden furniture is made today from solid lumber (the same array). More precisely, such material is hardly used in 10% of cases. In all the rest, high-tech wood materials are used. There are a lot of them. One of the most expensive, high-quality, durable – special furniture plywood. On the front side it can not be distinguished from a massive board. But the end has a striped cut, indicating the gluing of several sheets of wood. But it is worth decorating the end face with a rail, and furniture plywood can not be distinguished from the array.

Another material to be noted is called veneer. His tasks are predominantly aesthetic. Veneered facades and countertops are particularly decorative. Rare, valuable species of wood are used for veneer, for example: African bibolo tree, Brazilian goyabao, gabon from the thick forests of equatorial Guinea, or the well-known American walnut. The production of “massive furniture” of all this wooden wealth on the planet is simply not enough. The veneering technology allows, firstly, to reduce the cost of production, and secondly, to provide the consumer with a much-desired exclusive.

MDF again

Well, we move further along the line of wood materials. Next in turn are medium-density fiberboards. This is how the international name MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is translated.

The material is technological. The raw material for it is wood shavings mixed with urea resins and pressed at a certain temperature under pressure. This allows us to attribute MDF to wood-containing materials.

Medium density slabs are widely used in furniture manufacturing. The material allows you to significantly reduce the cost of production. At the output, the responsible manufacturers produce products of quite acceptable quality. And if the MDF is veneered, the furniture also looks very impressive.

Tree to tree strife

If you want to furnish a room with wooden furniture, decide on the priority type of material.

Prefer high-end products? Choose premium furniture from the array.

Do you want to get the maximum quality at the right price and put aesthetics not in the last place? Pay attention to furniture made from special plywood and products with veneer finish.

Interested in affordable furniture with decent consumer features? Order fiberboard products. And remember: such furniture is not necessarily simple, standard and poor in design!

Surrounding himself with objects of natural origin, a person subconsciously strives for a natural environment that is more physiological, safe and useful. Such furniture is desirable and in demand for a number of reasons:

Strength. Hardwoods are resistant to mechanical stress and environmental factors.
Permissible duration of operation. Over time, characteristic properties are not lost, the internal structure of woody fibers is not disturbed, flexibility and hardness remain.
Ecological reliability. Numerous laboratory studies of air in rooms with natural furniture show the absence of chemical elements in them, which are so rich in artificial materials: phenol, formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and many others.
Based on the previous property, household items from natural wooden raw materials do not cause allergic diseases, contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Originality and originality. The appearance of wooden furniture always disposes to comfort and coziness. Surrounding a person, she is able to create an atmosphere of peace and domestic warmth. An example is furniture made from teak – restored wood, which served its first term in shipbuilding. This antique approach allows you to give the details of the decor an unrivaled charm and design originality.

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