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What to choose veneer or whole array for countertops

What to choose an array or veneer?
The question of choosing the material for the countertop of the kitchen table is not so simple as it seems. Most people, choosing a wooden table, do not think about the difference. They see a table in the store with a picture of the texture of wood, and think that it is a whole wooden table, but often it is not.

What is the catch when choosing?
The catch is the widespread use of veneers for facing furniture surfaces. Veneer is a thin section of wood, which is applied to the base using specialized equipment, giving the appearance of the texture of natural wood. Particleboard (chipboard) is often used as a base. Chipboard is a sheet material made by mixing sawdust and binder resins obtained by hot pressing. Unfortunately, many resins used in the manufacture of particleboard, emit a substance harmful to humans – formaldehyde. The combination of chipboard and veneer allows you to get a true imitation of wood for relatively little money. This furniture cannot be called environmentally friendly.

Solid wood furniture is furniture that is 100% wood. Internal equipment, the case itself – everything consists of wood. Solid wood furniture is traditionally expensive because it is never a mass factory production, it is always environmentally friendly material and is always created manually for a specific project. Of the equipment in the factories for the production of such furniture, only saws, grinding equipment and pneumatic guns. The better the correct process of manufacturing furniture from solid wood is sustained, the more durable and, accordingly, more expensive.

Veneer furniture is furniture whose visible sides are treated with a thin sheet of wood. Such a sheet is superimposed on the MDF panel. It turns out a “sandwich” of shavings and wood sheet. Due to the fact that the production here is more robotic, glue, chips, varnish and paint are used, such furniture is cheaper and is much inferior to the array in terms of environmental friendliness.

Is veneer bad?
This is not at all bad for a cabinet and other furniture that is simply looked at, which does not come into contact with water, and which is not actively involved. And what happens if the dining table is veneered and this surface gets into the kitchen? The kitchen is moisture, it is the constant use of cutting objects. Even an everyday feast is detrimental to such a table. Based on its structure, the veneered surface is afraid of damage, chips, scratches, which are inevitable during normal operation. Whether it is a knife that has fallen off, a fallen object on the table, or other minor misunderstandings, cause damage to the top layer (veneer). Sooner or later, water leaks into these damages, which causes the base to soak. This inevitably leads to bloating with a blister effect. This bubble either remains or breaks off, leaving behind a completely unremarkable area. This defect is not a guarantee for manufacturers, and can only be eliminated in the factory, which is comparable in price to the replacement of the entire product. As a result, a person is forced to lay a tablecloth, and use a covered table. But did he want this, choosing the beautiful wooden surface of the countertops in the store?

Which is better in the end?
The way out of the situation is the choice of a table with a tabletop made entirely of solid wood, the production of which is specialized in the furniture factory “Bagsan”. What is the difference between an entire array of countertops and a combination of chipboard and veneer? The countertop is made of solid wood from natural wood bars joined together by tenon joints, which together add solidity and structural strength to the countertop shield. Is this table afraid of moisture? Yes, afraid. A table with a wooden tabletop is not recommended to be left in the pouring rain for a long time, in snow. But the wooden countertop perfectly transfers home use in the kitchen, living room. The countertop is not subject to swelling from moisture. Minor damage is easily restored at home, even if moisture has got into it. This table is suitable for people who buy furniture for more than one year, who value reliability, natural beauty and environmental friendliness. You can familiarize yourself with the assortment of our solid wood tables with an exclusively wooden worktop on this site in the “Catalog” section.

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