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How to make a kitchen table from boards

Often you want to do something for yourself, your loved ones, for a house, apartment, and not because it is cheaper, or you will do better than a factory product of a similar purpose. Of course, sometimes it turns out that standard furniture does not fit into the geometry of the room, but most often you just want to do something and enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years, for example, a wooden kitchen table.

Therefore, in today’s article we will tell you how to make a kitchen table with your own hands. First of all, this article is intended for those who could not pick up a factory table of the right size due to the non-standard geometry of the kitchen. And, of course, for those masters who are simply used to doing everything with their own hands, following the saying: “If you want it to be done well, do it yourself.”

Perhaps another category that this article will be useful for is novice craftsmen who have not yet accumulated a large supply of power tools at home. We will tell you how to make a kitchen table with your own hands, using only a cordless drill and screwdriver, a hand saw, a tape measure and sandpaper.

The table, the creation of which we will consider in this article, has dimensions 120x71x91. If you need a different size, it’s easy to make changes to the design to get the right product. Well, we need:

– 8 boards 2.5×10 103 cm long

– 2 boards 2.5×15 240cm long

– 1 board 1×15 240cm long

– 2 boards 2.5×10 length 240cm

– 2 boards 5×7.5 180cm long

Thus, we have obtained a completely transportable set of boards, and very soon you will learn how to make a kitchen table out of wood with your own hands from this set. If you decide to make a table of a different size, you will have to calculate the required number of boards yourself. By the way, in order to reduce the number of required power tools, it is recommended to order planed, clean boards in the carpentry. And of course, you should pay attention to the presence of knots, especially for those boards from which we will make the tabletop.

We begin work with assembly of the basis.

Two legs (5×7.5×90) need to be placed on an even base parallel to each other, and connect them to a 2.5x15x63 board using 6.3×38 turnkey screws. It is highly advisable to use a Grover during assembly to make the connection more reliable. It is necessary to carefully monitor the perpendicularity of the details, because it is at this stage that the basic geometry of the product is laid. Since the screws are powerful enough, it is highly advisable to drill holes for them – 3 mm in the legs, and 6-6.5 mm – in the base boards.

After two U-shaped blanks under the base are ready, you need to connect them together. To do this, we will use the same turnkey screws, and 2.5x15x177 boards. Also observing perpendicularity, we drill holes, and we finish assembly of the basis. Then in the middle of the base, we fasten another 2.5 × 15 × 63 board to strengthen the structure and give it additional rigidity.

How to make a wooden kitchen table with your own hands, if we already have a base? Simply simple: it remains to assemble the countertop, connect it to the base, and you can finish the resulting product. However, first things first.

We collect the countertop from 2.5x15x183 boards, even and carefully planed. Tightly fitting them to each other, we connect with 2.5x15x63 boards. For this purpose, you can use, for example, wood screws 35 mm long. It is also extremely important to observe perpendicularity, and also to ensure that there are no gaps between adjacent boards of the countertop.

An important touch is the location of the worktop boards 2.5x15x63. To fix the countertops on the base of the board, it is necessary to arrange at a distance corresponding to the internal distance between the boards of the base 2.5x15x63. Thus, the countertop is simply inserted into the base, and screwed in with the corners or simply with screws. Please note that the middle bar 2.5x15x63 on the countertop is not fixed in the middle, but indented, so that you can fix the countertop on the middle level of the base.

I hope everyone now understands how to make a kitchen table out of wood with their own hands. But this is not all, in fact, the product obtained is just a semi-finished product and needs to be finished. The first action is rounding the edges of the boards. First of all, this applies to countertop boards. This operation is performed using sandpaper. Also, with the help of sandpaper fixed on a special bar, which today is not difficult to buy.

After all the details of the table are carefully sanded, you can start painting or varnishing. Of course, if there is such an opportunity, the countertop is best lacquered. This solution will provide not only a beautiful appearance, but also smooth out irregularities, allow you to hide the gaps between the boards (although small, but they will still be), and provide high wear resistance of the countertops.
The rest of the table details do not have to be varnished, they can simply be painted, for example, in white.

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