How to make a kitchen table from boards
Often you want to do something for yourself, your loved ones, for a house, apartment, and not because it is cheaper, or you will do better than a factory product…

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Furniture from pine: pros and cons of buying
There is no material that is better than natural. And of these, it is the tree that is of most interest to many. Furniture made of wood of any kind…

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Home-made furniture for home and garden
Not so long ago, home-made furniture was in almost every home. With the disappearance of the deficit, interest in the products of craftsmen-furniture makers fell significantly, but in recent years…

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Massive bar counters: solid and unusual.

The bar counter is a necessary part of the ensemble of a tastefully designed interior. Such a piece of furniture is useful not only in cafes and restaurants. It looks great in a modern kitchen corner. The bar counter from the massif not only performs all its functions remarkably, but is also the main subject in the design, which visitors of the institution will always pay their attention to.

If you select interior items for a bar or restaurant, then you probably thought about their useful life. When the entire interior is built in a single harmonious style, it is not so easy to find a replacement for any element of the verified scheme. That is why a bar counter made of solid wood is the most ideal option.

Wear resistance. A bar made of natural wood will look like new for a long time. The tree is not afraid of mechanical damage and temperature extremes. Continue reading

Antique staircases

Antique staircases.

Among the ways to create a unique, sophisticated room design, the use of aged wood stands out. Antique staircases are charming and always prestigious, they perfectly decorate the interior.

Non-standard techniques in the design of interiors allow you to make any room boring, with its own character. Among other interesting techniques, the artificially aged furniture items and architectural elements stand out. For example, elegant antique staircases give the design of the room a charming exclusivity and add noble notes to it.
A staircase is an important element of design, antique wooden stairs you can order from us directly on our website. Continue reading

Do it yourself furniture made of wood – is it so difficult?

The design of any room involves not only the selection of finishing materials for walls and floors, but also the arrangement of furniture. The latter determines in many ways how comfortable and convenient it will be to use a particular room. It is not always possible to immediately purchase a ready-made version, and custom-made manufacturing can be quite a costly event. In such a situation, it is best to make furniture with your own hands from wood, choosing the right solution for configuration and design.

Materials for the manufacture of furniture: our tips will help you make the right choice
The choice in favor of wood is made thanks to the advantages of this natural material:

Durability. Subject to production technology and the formation of a protective layer, it is possible to guarantee a long service life of products made from solid wood. Continue reading

Despite the variety of modern production technologies, for each of us, the strength, environmental friendliness and aesthetics of things that fill our personal space are very important. For these reasons,…


Furniture from pine: pros and cons of buying
There is no material that is better than natural. And of these, it is the tree that is of most interest to many. Furniture made of wood of any kind…


Bed materials: is it all wood that looks like it?
Wooden beds are loved by many for their attractive appearance, naturalness, durability and the ability to create a truly comfortable, homely atmosphere. However, is all the furniture that looks like…
