About wooden furniture and its properties.
Wood has been the only material for furniture for many centuries. Despite technological progress, people continue to make furniture from natural wood. Moreover, thanks to the centuries-old experience of using…

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Solid chairs: comfort and practicality
Natural wood chairs combine high quality, operational durability and attractive appearance. Such furniture is chosen by connoisseurs of comfort, solid natural materials. Stylish and high-quality wooden chairs of classical and…

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History of furniture.
Furniture, as household items for sitting, lying and arranging things, has always accompanied human life. Already during the transition of primitive communities to sedentary tribes tried to equip their homes.…

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Paint for wooden furniture – the most inexpensive way to update an old suite

Many of us have old furniture that is a pity to throw away. And someone buys unpainted wood products, for example, in Ikea, because they are cheaper. And here the question becomes very relevant, how to give them a decent look, while protecting the surface from various damage?

Types of paints for finishing wooden furniture
It is probably easier to list compounds that are completely unsuitable for painting wood and furniture from it. If we talk about the peculiarities of the appearance of the coating and its properties, then all paints and varnishes used for painting furniture can be divided into three groups: transparent varnishes and impregnations, water-soluble dispersion paints and enamels. Continue reading

Solid wood furniture

To emphasize the natural beauty of solid wood furniture and protect it from the negative effects of the environment, various protective and decorative coatings (transparent and opaque) are used.

Transparent materials used in the decoration of wooden furniture include varnishes, varnishes, wax-based mastics and organic oils. They not only do not hide the texture and natural color of wood, but also very beneficially emphasize its natural beauty.

Opaque coatings include various paints that hide texture and color, as a result of which, as a rule, they are used in the manufacture of furniture from solid wood of low-value species. Continue reading

Styles of wooden furniture

Human civilization is developing rapidly. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that over the past few decades, our life has changed beyond recognition. But there is something that will be in demand and always appreciated. A tree is a resource, a full replacement of which is impossible to imagine. No artificial materials can compare with the properties of this great gift of nature. Furniture made of wood cannot go out of fashion. Its use is not a rollback to the past, but, on the contrary, a step into the future, where, of course, everything connected with the environment will be a priority.

Advantages of wooden furniture:
Natural and environmentally friendly material. Continue reading

How to make a kitchen table from boards
Often you want to do something for yourself, your loved ones, for a house, apartment, and not because it is cheaper, or you will do better than a factory product…


Wood furniture, solid wood furniture: twins or not even relatives?
Wooden furniture. How much has already been said, written about it ... And how do you understand the phrase "wooden furniture"? It is often necessary to notice that in a…


Choose a set of furniture for the bathroom
Many have encountered such a problem: how to equip a bathroom. And at first glance it seems that it could be easier - I went to any specialized store and…
