Number and design of sliding doors
Doors of a wardrobe are called door leafs or facades (the word sash is not very suitable here). There can be two, three, four, five, six sliding doors (facades), but…

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The advantages of solid wood beds, why they are so popular
WHAT IS AN ARRAY OF WOOD An array of wood is wood that has undergone special processing, turning into timber and planks. The array is divided into 2 varieties: solid…

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Built-in wooden furniture in the house
The way the image of a country house or apartment changes with the advent of built-in wooden furniture is simply amazing. The charm of tradition, a sense of stability, classic…

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dipped in acetone

Storage of wooden furniture

Planning a repair or relocation? To save furniture and appliances from accidental damage, pollution and other negative influences, we recommend renting a special box for temporary storage. The closest attention in such situations requires wooden furniture, prone to cracks, scratches, deformations or damage by fungus. To preserve the integrity and attractive appearance during its storage, sufficient free space and the observance of the optimal temperature regime are required.

When repairing or moving wooden furniture is stored along with clothing, household appliances and other items. To place everything in one room and avoid the risk of damage, you need to pick up a large box. Ideally, all stored items should not be in contact with each other, which means that the area of ​​the warehouse should be calculated with some margin. Continue reading

Natural wood furniture care

Natural wood furniture is an elite interior item that gives the interior decoration a special touch and chic. Ecological purity of the material, its strength and durability – all this is in favor of wooden furniture. However, such products are quite moody in everyday care.

A careless attitude to wooden furniture can lead to rotting, cracking of individual parts, and a change in the original shade. How to care for these interior items?

General recommendations
For a beautiful cabinet or chair to please you for a long time, try to adhere to the following rules, which are relevant regardless of the type of furniture and wood type: Continue reading

What to choose veneer or whole array for countertops

What to choose an array or veneer?
The question of choosing the material for the countertop of the kitchen table is not so simple as it seems. Most people, choosing a wooden table, do not think about the difference. They see a table in the store with a picture of the texture of wood, and think that it is a whole wooden table, but often it is not.

What is the catch when choosing?
The catch is the widespread use of veneers for facing furniture surfaces. Veneer is a thin section of wood, which is applied to the base using specialized equipment, giving the appearance of the texture of natural wood. Particleboard (chipboard) is often used as a base. Chipboard is a sheet material made by mixing sawdust and binder resins obtained by hot pressing. Unfortunately, many resins used in the manufacture of particleboard, emit a substance harmful to humans – formaldehyde. The combination of chipboard and veneer allows you to get a true imitation of wood for relatively little money. This furniture cannot be called environmentally friendly. Continue reading

What is wicker rattan and vine furniture?
Wicker furniture is attractive for its naturalness and handmade. Made of natural rattan or vine, the “wicker” is simple, elegant, very cozy and evokes the most pleasant associations. For example,…


WOODEN FURNITURE “Why do Europeans choose solid wood furniture?”
Solid wood furniture is a trend of the new era, but today it’s not just a fashion statement for everything natural, biologically pure. This is a new lifestyle. Following the…


How to make a kitchen table from boards
Often you want to do something for yourself, your loved ones, for a house, apartment, and not because it is cheaper, or you will do better than a factory product…
