About the correct arrangement of furniture and necessary equipment in the kitchen.
From the layout and arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, from the saturation of the kitchen equipment depends on how your life will flow in the apartment or house. Although…

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To preserve wooden furniture and parquet Wooden floor coverings, furniture, musical instruments and other accessories made of wood, which are present in residential buildings, office premises, shops, are sensitive to…

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Natural wood furniture care
Natural wood furniture is an elite interior item that gives the interior decoration a special touch and chic. Ecological purity of the material, its strength and durability - all this…

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furniture includes

Styles of wooden furniture

Human civilization is developing rapidly. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that over the past few decades, our life has changed beyond recognition. But there is something that will be in demand and always appreciated. A tree is a resource, a full replacement of which is impossible to imagine. No artificial materials can compare with the properties of this great gift of nature. Furniture made of wood cannot go out of fashion. Its use is not a rollback to the past, but, on the contrary, a step into the future, where, of course, everything connected with the environment will be a priority.

Advantages of wooden furniture:
Natural and environmentally friendly material. Continue reading

Repair of wooden furniture

Repair of wooden furniture is a task, although not of prime necessity, but sooner or later everyone has to face it.
You can, of course, without further ado turn to experts, or you can try to repair the furniture with your own hands. A man who is not lazy is quite capable of it.

Repair of wooden furniture, as a rule, boils down to the elimination of certain defects of wooden joints, which tend to weaken over time.
How to eliminate this trouble and repair your favorite locker, wardrobe or chair, we will tell in this article.

The design of wooden furniture includes individual elements connected as collapsible joints – screeds, bolts and nuts, and not collapsible – tires, or wooden nails for glue.
Very often, furniture damage occurs due to breakage of the connecting elements or due to the occurrence of backlash. Continue reading

Using a windowsill in the kitchen
For the windowsill in the kitchen, designers often find interesting, innovative solutions. Consumers, wanting to get away from the ordinary and trivial, are happy to use new interior ideas. Even…


About wooden furniture and its properties.
Wood has been the only material for furniture for many centuries. Despite technological progress, people continue to make furniture from natural wood. Moreover, thanks to the centuries-old experience of using…


How to make a kitchen table from boards
Often you want to do something for yourself, your loved ones, for a house, apartment, and not because it is cheaper, or you will do better than a factory product…
