About wooden furniture and its properties.
Wood has been the only material for furniture for many centuries. Despite technological progress, people continue to make furniture from natural wood. Moreover, thanks to the centuries-old experience of using…

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Characteristics of some types of wood
Solid wood furniture is quite expensive. It is easy for a layman to confuse a chipboard with an array. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to look…

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Furniture from pine: pros and cons of buying
There is no material that is better than natural. And of these, it is the tree that is of most interest to many. Furniture made of wood of any kind…

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consumer recognized

Do it yourself furniture made of wood – is it so difficult?

The design of any room involves not only the selection of finishing materials for walls and floors, but also the arrangement of furniture. The latter determines in many ways how comfortable and convenient it will be to use a particular room. It is not always possible to immediately purchase a ready-made version, and custom-made manufacturing can be quite a costly event. In such a situation, it is best to make furniture with your own hands from wood, choosing the right solution for configuration and design.

Materials for the manufacture of furniture: our tips will help you make the right choice
The choice in favor of wood is made thanks to the advantages of this natural material:

Durability. Subject to production technology and the formation of a protective layer, it is possible to guarantee a long service life of products made from solid wood. Continue reading

Storage of wooden furniture

Planning a repair or relocation? To save furniture and appliances from accidental damage, pollution and other negative influences, we recommend renting a special box for temporary storage. The closest attention in such situations requires wooden furniture, prone to cracks, scratches, deformations or damage by fungus. To preserve the integrity and attractive appearance during its storage, sufficient free space and the observance of the optimal temperature regime are required.

When repairing or moving wooden furniture is stored along with clothing, household appliances and other items. To place everything in one room and avoid the risk of damage, you need to pick up a large box. Ideally, all stored items should not be in contact with each other, which means that the area of ​​the warehouse should be calculated with some margin. Continue reading

Bed materials: is it all wood that looks like it?

Wooden beds are loved by many for their attractive appearance, naturalness, durability and the ability to create a truly comfortable, homely atmosphere. However, is all the furniture that looks like wood really is and possesses the indicated properties? No, not all, because due to the high cost, few decide to purchase furniture from solid wood, but turn to more affordable, thereby more attractive substitutes like chipboard and MDF.

In this article we will try to figure out what modern beds can be made of and what qualities they will possess.
Solid wood beds
Let’s start with solid wood furniture. During its production, high-quality, well-dried wood without knots and cracks is taken, it can be either whole boards or composite boards from separate pieces connected by glue (glued board), which are then ground and varnished. Continue reading

How to restore old furniture yourself
Not everyone can afford to buy new furniture, since for this a considerable investment should be made. And lining old furniture with modern materials is expensive. So is there a…


From which tree is it better to choose a countertop
Interior products from natural solid wood are beautiful, environmentally friendly and, with proper protective treatment, have been serving their owners for decades. The operation of countertops depends on the right…


Table history
Ordinary table: a rectangular board on four legs from time immemorial served the person. The simplest were the feasting tables - roughly knocked together boards set up on goats. Both…
