before designing
Repair of wooden furniture
Repair of wooden furniture is a task, although not of prime necessity, but sooner or later everyone has to face it.
You can, of course, without further ado turn to experts, or you can try to repair the furniture with your own hands. A man who is not lazy is quite capable of it.
Repair of wooden furniture, as a rule, boils down to the elimination of certain defects of wooden joints, which tend to weaken over time.
How to eliminate this trouble and repair your favorite locker, wardrobe or chair, we will tell in this article.
The design of wooden furniture includes individual elements connected as collapsible joints – screeds, bolts and nuts, and not collapsible – tires, or wooden nails for glue.
Very often, furniture damage occurs due to breakage of the connecting elements or due to the occurrence of backlash. Continue reading
Built-in wooden furniture in the house
The way the image of a country house or apartment changes with the advent of built-in wooden furniture is simply amazing. The charm of tradition, a sense of stability, classic notes and just the warmth of your home appear out of nowhere.
Built-in wooden furniture is usually a handmade item. In the USA, for example, there is a whole style in interior design – arts & crafts, which is based on using woodwork in the design of your own cottage to the maximum.
Thus, even now, built-in wooden furniture is popular. In luxury residences, small bungalows and beach houses, it helps the new architecture maintain a sense of tradition.
The way the image of a country house or apartment changes with the advent of built-in wooden furniture is simply amazing. The charm of tradition, a sense of stability, classic notes and just the warmth of your home appear out of nowhere. Continue reading
History of furniture.
Furniture, as household items for sitting, lying and arranging things, has always accompanied human life. Already during the transition of primitive communities to sedentary tribes tried to equip their homes.
The first place among the materials used for the manufacture of furniture belonged to wood. Because wood is a sufficiently durable material that can be easily processed and finished. Initially, those pieces of material that were closest to the desired shape were selected for furniture.
Time passed, the way of life changed, artistic styles developed, and with it new types and styles of furniture, its new designs were born. National traditions of life and art as a whole significantly influenced the decorative and compositional characteristics of furniture. Continue reading