The Psychology of Smooth Lines in Design
“The tyranny of the line has become absolute. A straight line is something cowardly, drawn along the line, without emotions and thoughts; it is a line that does not exist in nature … Any design based on a straight line will be stillborn ”- Hundertwasser.
The psychology of smooth lines in design. The shapes, lines, sizes of objects and objects around us play a much larger role in our life than we think. Many people believe that the rounded shape of the furniture, the bends of the facades, the multi-level surfaces of the ceilings are just a way to decorate objects, and you can completely do without all this decoration. But it is not so.
Simple rectangular shapes of rooms, furniture with sharp corners, as a rule, are more functional. Continue reading
Benefit, Strength, Beauty
Even in the first century BC, the ancient Roman architect Virtuvius formulated these simple rules, expressed in just three words – benefit, strength, beauty. It is these three concepts that are the basis of all architecture, both ancient and modern. For interior design, which is inextricably linked with architecture, they are also crucial.
What is so important in these words that are familiar to everyone? These three words, or rather their sequence, are the most important rules for the design of interior design. Their sequence unambiguously indicates what is of primary importance and what is secondary in design. Continue reading