Table history
Ordinary table: a rectangular board on four legs from time immemorial served the person. The simplest were the feasting tables - roughly knocked together boards set up on goats. Both…

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Useful Tips
Two-component varnishes, or cold cured varnishes, as well as waterborne varnishes, have two big advantages over polyurethane varnishes: they dry faster and do not have time to become dusty; the…

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WOODEN FURNITURE “Why do Europeans choose solid wood furniture?”
Solid wood furniture is a trend of the new era, but today it’s not just a fashion statement for everything natural, biologically pure. This is a new lifestyle. Following the…

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How to restore old furniture yourself

Not everyone can afford to buy new furniture, since for this a considerable investment should be made. And lining old furniture with modern materials is expensive. So is there a solution to the problem if the furniture already requires replacement, but there is no money for it? Alternatively, try to breathe new life into old furniture by restoring it, using budget materials, and a little more of your time and imagination. As a result, your experiments and your imagination will become a real masterpiece, and only you will have such an interior.

In order to restore old furniture yourself, you should adhere to some rules and recommendations.
Preparation of furniture for restoration Continue reading

Parquet board

Flooring made from materials created by nature have been very popular and very popular for many years. The noble appearance, the relative ease of installation, the affordable price and the significant service life (with the proper daily care are quite significant) made the parquet board a favorite among all the most popular flooring today.
An undoubted advantage of a parquet board is its environmental friendliness, beauty, as well as a significant area of ​​the board, which significantly reduces the time spent laying parquet boards and improves the quality of the resulting surface.

This unique material appeared not so long ago, in the forties of the twentieth century. An official patent was notarized in 1941 in Sweden. The technology has only been improved since then, but its operational properties have not become worse at all, rather the opposite. Continue reading

Benefit, Strength, Beauty

Even in the first century BC, the ancient Roman architect Virtuvius formulated these simple rules, expressed in just three words – benefit, strength, beauty. It is these three concepts that are the basis of all architecture, both ancient and modern. For interior design, which is inextricably linked with architecture, they are also crucial.
What is so important in these words that are familiar to everyone? These three words, or rather their sequence, are the most important rules for the design of interior design. Their sequence unambiguously indicates what is of primary importance and what is secondary in design. Continue reading

Chair history
Such a usual piece of furniture for us as a chair was once not accessible to everyone. In Russia, until the time of Peter's reforms, everyone, including those close to…


What is good to know about wooden furniture
Whatever the matter is - interior design or various materials for making furniture - the fashion for this, however, like everything else, changes over time. But wooden furniture is not…


Choose a set of furniture for the bathroom
Many have encountered such a problem: how to equip a bathroom. And at first glance it seems that it could be easier - I went to any specialized store and…
