Wood furniture, solid wood furniture: twins or not even relatives?
Wooden furniture. How much has already been said, written about it ... And how do you understand the phrase "wooden furniture"? It is often necessary to notice that in a…

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Styles of wooden furniture
Human civilization is developing rapidly. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that over the past few decades, our life has changed beyond recognition. But there is something…

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About wooden furniture and its properties.
Wood has been the only material for furniture for many centuries. Despite technological progress, people continue to make furniture from natural wood. Moreover, thanks to the centuries-old experience of using…

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students work

Modern furniture for the student

The production of educational furniture is a knowledge-based and high-tech process, accessible only to a specialized enterprise, and not to any furniture factory, and even less a small workshop. Reliability, durability, safety, modern design – these qualities are achieved only using modern technologies and technological equipment of the class “professional “That meets the best international standards.
It is also necessary to minimize the number of intermediaries in the producer-consumer chain.

To date, the main regulatory document governing the requirements for educational furniture is the revised and updated – GOST 22046-02 “Furniture for educational institutions. Technical Conditions ”, effective July 1, 2003.

In addition, the types, functional dimensions and requirements for educational furniture are defined in the following GOSTs: GOST 5994 – 93 School desks. Continue reading

How to equip a student’s workplace?

An effective design decision is the last thing that should worry parents concerned about the problem of creating a children’s “work room”. The main criterion for choosing all the details of this important part of the interior should be their safety for health. The main part of the advice on this subject is familiar to everyone else by the stands in the children’s clinic, but in recent years something new has been added to them …
New Generation Desk

There are several unshakable rules that must be observed for any table designed for work: the depth of the working surface is at least 60-80 cm, the width is at least 120-160 cm, for free placement of the legs at least 50 cm wide and not less than 45 cm in depth. Well, and the height of the countertop depends entirely on the height of the child: Continue reading

Wood furniture, solid wood furniture: twins or not even relatives?
Wooden furniture. How much has already been said, written about it ... And how do you understand the phrase "wooden furniture"? It is often necessary to notice that in a…


Characteristics of some types of wood
Solid wood furniture is quite expensive. It is easy for a layman to confuse a chipboard with an array. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to look…


Furniture from pine: pros and cons of buying
There is no material that is better than natural. And of these, it is the tree that is of most interest to many. Furniture made of wood of any kind…
